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My Cambridge Diet Weight Loss Journey - Week 21

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Well, I was bad this past week and I indulged a little in both portions and high calorie sweets. The good news is that instead of gaining back any weight, I was able to maintain the weight I lost the week before. So I am at the exact same weight and waist size from last week. That's a win in my book.

Summer time is full of temptations with barbecues and parties and we are all entitled to enjoy ourselves in moderation. If we gain back a few pounds, we can just get back on track with The Cambridge Diet plan we are on and start losing again. I love the flexibility and the forgiveness the programs offer. If you mess up, no harm done, just keep going.

The reason so many people fail on other diets is that they get tired of following the program because they feel deprived. We need to understand that if we view any diet as a restriction instead of a change in lifestyle we will never succeed. The Cambridge Diet does not restrict any type of food. We can eat what we like if we plan for the calories involved.

I eat what I want and typically lose 1 - 3 lbs. per week and anywhere from 1/4 - 1 inch from my waist without much effort. If I cheat and gain any back, I know it is only temporary and will succeed the following week. If you need help finding low calorie meals, be sure to check out my recipe section and follow me on pinterest where I list even more low calorie meals. Be well!

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