Need to Cheat?
So you're just getting started on the Fast Start Program and you're losing your mind ready to chew on the furniture. No worries, you'll get through this. Everyone wants to lose lots of weight fast. It can be done but it does require self control and discipline and it's just not right for everyone. The great news it that Cambridge has other plans that work just fine and let you eat in moderation.
That being said, you can cheat on the Fast Start Program and still lose weight rather quickly if you are VERY CAREFUL. My first day on the Fast Start Program I was faithful until late at night when my hunger came in with a vengeance. I drank more and more water to fill my stomach and it just wasn't cutting it for me. Desperate to end my torment I raided my kitchen and started reading the calorie count on everything I had.
THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO EAT ALL DAY LONG. This is a saving grace to help you adjust to the Fast Start Program and begin learning how to find low calorie alternatives to things you normally eat. I hope this helps you all as much as it helped me.