Why I Chose the Cambridge Diet
Let me explain why I chose the Cambridge Diet. I've been disabled with chronic migraines and vertigo for about 4 years now. Pretty much...
My Cambridge Diet Weight Loss Journey - Week 2
Well, after another week I slowed down for some reason. I went from 269 lbs. and 50" waist to 268 lbs. and 49 1/4". I guess there will be...
My Cambridge Diet Weight Loss Journey - Week 1
Hi everyone. This is my first weight loss entry after 1 week on the Cambridge Diet. I started out at 280 lbs and 51 inch waist. I have...
Need to Cheat?
So you're just getting started on the Fast Start Program and you're losing your mind ready to chew on the furniture. No worries, you'll...
Welcome to my Cambridge Diet blog
Hi everyone. This is my very first blog post chronicling my experience on the Cambridge Diet. It is my goal to share my own real life...